Sunday, May 30, 2021

Happy birthday Brad


My son is one of the sweetest gifts that life can bring, but it can be hard to figure out what to write him on his birthday. I have so many moments That’s why I  put together this list of 9 birthday wishes for my son Brad. I love this boy so much. His value, his presence in our life,  his thoughtful. His busyness. His love, so I want him to know how much he means to us . 


I hope that he always look ahead in life with a smile on your face and look back with fondness in our heart


I am grateful every day that you came into our world. Your smiles and laughter are a balm to my heart. 


Thanks for giving me the opportunity to feel such an all-encompassing love.


When times are tough, all it takes are thoughts of you to pull me through. Your hugs and kisses nourish my soul.


When you were born, I couldn’t even fathom how much you’d come to mean to me. You are my everything.


I hope that this year your birthday is just the beginning of an unforgettable journey 


If I look back at everything I’ve done in life, you’re easily the best thing I’ve ever created. It’s honestly a miracle that I was able to have a son 


You are  such a sweet boy very busy, but I have faith that your future will hold even sweeter ones. Happy birthday, son!


This year on your birthday I am so grateful that you’ve grown into such a bright young man. It is such a comfort to know that whatever life throws our way we will always be able to handle it.


Saturday, May 22, 2021

Autism Sleep Issues

 Sleep problems are very common in children with autism. With my own son, Brad, I struggled with getting him to sleep in his own bed through the night for 8 years. Using  techniques though, I was finally able to establish a step-by-step procedure that resulted in him sleeping through the night consistently in his own bed and not sleeping on couch 

Every night, despite giving Brad his medication . and letting him fall asleep in his own bed, he would wake up. He sometimes would be up for hours. And oftentimes he would run into our room and climb into our bed and fall back to sleep. Sometimes I try not to close his door until he fall asleep. Sure to close his door right after he fall asleep so that he can stay asleep because he does here everything and anything. Brad life, his sleeping me and my husband pattern  every single night. One of the first pieces of advice was for me to lock our bedroom door at night. This prevented Brad  from just barging in and jumping in our bed. I explained to Brad  that the door would be locked and he would need to knock. I also explained that he would get a special reinforcement for staying asleep in his own bed and for waking up alone in his bed in the morning.

Monday, May 17, 2021

What Are Sensory Issues?


How Are Sensory Balls  

Used For Autism?

The use of sensory balls and toys to help children with autism is becoming more and more common. There are many different types of sensory balls and toys available, appealing to one or more of the different senses. Sensory balls are toys work to engage a child’s senses in an enjoyable way.

Sensory ball used for autism can help children focus better, calm down, and relax, however, sensory toys do not replace formal and evidence-based treatment for autism spectrum disorders. In the end, sensory toys are meant to help a child learn more about their senses in a fun way. Through the use of play, a child with autism may better understand their senses and how to manage them. 

These sensory reflective balls help children with autism by helping them develop a visual sense.  that children with ADHD and autism have less of the ability to process visual sensory information. This is a great solution to help get your child started!

What Are Sensory Issues?

There are two types of sensory issues that might affect a child with autism: hyper-sensitivities and hypo-sensitivities. Both types of sensitivities affect how the child processes and reacts to different types of stimuli. can include, but are not limited to:

  • Sights
  • Sounds
  • Smells
  • Tastes
  • Touch
  • Balance
  • Body Awareness

Hyper-Sensitive Children

Children who are hypersensitive are overly responsive to stimulants. This is often called “sensory overload.” Both regular and extreme stimuli, like bright lights or strong smells, can affect hyper-sensitive children, leaving them feeling overwhelmed. There are a number of strategies that can be used to help children with sensory hypersensitivity. In order to ensure appropriate support is in place, parents should consult with an occupational therapist or professional to determine the best way to support their child with hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli.

Hypo-Sensitive Children

As opposed to hyper-sensitivity, some children with autism are actually under-responsive to senses and stimulants. One example of this is a low sensitivity to pain. A child who has hypo-sensitivity also may be under-responsive to body signals that affect balance control and physical coordination. Some accommodations that can be made for children who are hypo-sensitive include weighted blankets, strong tasting or textured foods, and activities that practice physical skills such as dancing, jumping, running, and catching.

Monday, May 10, 2021

6 Stages journey of Every Parent with Autism Child

1 The Diagnosis Stage

The Diagnosis Stage is the first stage in every parent’s autism journey because of course it starts with learning that your child is autism.

2 The Discovery Stage 

And I’ll be honest this is the stage that most parents struggle with in this your focus on becoming the expert for autism.

3 The Accommodation Stage

The Accommodation Stage comes next, and it’s all about meeting those needs that you uncovered in the Discovery Stage

4 The Success Stage

This stage is where most parents and professionals try to jump to.So I’m going to remind you again it’s incredibly important that you move though these stages

5 The Advocacy Stage

This is where you take all of the knowledge and experience you’ve gained in the previous stages, and you use that to educate others and help them to help your child. The advocacy stage is exactly as it sound 

6 The Ally Stage

So the final stage on the parent of an autism journey is.

The Ally Stage is where parents of autism children join together with-advocates so that they can have a bigger impact on creating a better society for all.

So everyone if you go though all these stage you can do it with me and everyone else  

Yoga therapy reduces anxiety and stress levels


Children with autism tend to experience difficulties with self-regulation or sensory integration, which refers to our ability to use and respond to both external and internal stimuli. This has adverse effects on a child’s mood and behavior. Yoga can help in this regard, as studies show that the combination of yoga poses and breathing exercises improves self-regulation and coping skills, reducing mood and behavioral problems.

Yoga therapy improves balance and stability 

Autism  children often suffer from problems with balance and stability due to limited body awareness. This is something that yoga is effective at remedying as it gets kids familiar with body parts and structured movements. Yoga therapy helps kids develop a greater sense of body awareness and control, especially when the poses involve both proprioceptive.

Yoga therapy reduces anxiety and stress levels

Because of impaired sensory integration, children with autism often experience high levels of stress and anxiety.

Yoga is widely recognized for its efficacy in helping lower stress and anxiety,

Saturday, May 8, 2021

I Believe in myself


Say this words out loud everyone. Some positive affirmations to you though your day. We are all beautiful don’t forget that. Keep reminding yourself how gifted you are. Well get thorough This in believe in yourself

Friday, May 7, 2021

Autism communication

For autism kids language difficulties affect children academically, socially and personally. The ability to communicate is and essential skill that can impact our kids life. Which can cause frustration and often crying for everyone. we strive to help our kids communication matter 

There is a significant different between talking and communication. As most of us know, the inability to use speech does not preclude the ability to be understood by others. Sign language, body language, pictures, all facilitate non-verbal communication and others. Sign language, pictures, all facilitate non-verbal communication and these can provide an opportunity to work towards increasing vocalization in autism kids.

celebrate Mother’s Day.


Celebrate Mother’s Day. 
Being a mom has brought me the greatest joy in my life. I am so blessed to have 2 amazing kids that I get to share each day with. I am so happy to celebrate this day and everyday with my family. I am so grateful to my husband for helping build a solid foundation to raise our kids.  My family helped me realize how much I love being with a mother and how much I enjoy discovering the world as mother. I’ve grown and found purpose in helping other that have autism kids.

Being mom has helped me discover strengths I did not know I had and a love that is so deep and pure that words cannot describe. It is that love that brings me here to listen to other's stories. Our roads as moms are often more like roller coasters with highs and lows and unexpected twists. Our lift filled with many excitement, tears of joy and/or pain, challenges, eager anticipation.

I’ve learned to embrace each day as a mother and be present to helped my kids grow and to be the best wife to my husband.

I also think about my mom and grandmother what strengths and insights I gained from them. We all have been influenced in one way or another which shapes us into who we are today. I encourage you to take time this week and reflect on what does being mom mean to you or characteristics of strength you have gained from mom in your life. Happy Mother’s Day.

Strategies To Calm Children With Autism

 Children with autism tend to have difficulties interacting socially. That’s why they may act out or have a full meltdown when stressed, confused, afraid, and anxious about something.

Strategies To Calm Children With Autism

Different from tantrums, autism meltdowns are an intense response to overwhelming circumstances. The common triggers include changes in routine, sensory differences, communication difficulties, and anxiety. Getting overly anxious leads to a meltdown or involuntary coping mechanism. In this article, you’ll learn some effective strategies to calm children with autism. See below:

Have Your Child Wear A Weighted Vest 

Vest can hold weight. This special vest designed for autistic children has pockets inside where you can place small ½ or ¼ pound weights. An anxious child with autism felt calmer and focused wearing a weighted vest because of the compression and weight, providing deep muscle and joint pressure that resembles a firm hug. Start with light weights and gradually increase them. Ensure that the vest is not more than 5 to 10% of the child’s body weight. Also, distribute the weight evenly throughout the vest to snugly fit the child’s body. Schedule your child to wear a weighted vest twice or thrice a day, no longer than 15 minutes for each instance. 

Children with autism have difficulty processing sensory information. They can be under-reactive (hypersensitive) or over-reactive (hypersensitive). A weighted vest helps an autistic child calm down when feeling stressed because of the sensory input. It makes the child feel more comfortable, 

Children with autism can benefit from wearing weighted vests, such as the following:

  • Increase focus 
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Improve communication
  • Promote problem-solving skills
  • Regulate emotions 
  • Increase body awareness 
  • Promote better coordination

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

My secret world


Welcome to the secret world of autism. Click support Now to join our amazing community Facebook group Instagram livebeyondautism. website 

This whole beach trip is giving me all the coastal vibes

How children with autism Spectrum play


How children with Autism Spectrum Disorder play

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder tend to be less spontaneous than other kids. Unlike a typical curious little kid pointing to things that catch their eye, children with ASD often appear disinterested or unaware of what’s going on around them. They also show differences in the way they play. They may have trouble with functional play, or using toys that have a basic intended use, such as toy tools. They usually don’t “play make-believe,” engage in group games, imitate others, collaborate, or use their toys in creative ways.

While not part of autism’s official diagnostic criteria, children with autism spectrum disorders often suffer from one or more of the following problems:

Sensory problems – Many children with autism spectrum disorders either underreact or overreact to sensory stimuli. At times they may ignore people speaking to them, even to the point of appearing deaf. However, at other times they may be disturbed by even the softest sounds. Sudden noises such as a ringing telephone can be upsetting, and they may respond by covering their ears and making repetitive noises to drown out the offending sound. Children on the autism spectrum also tend to be highly sensitive to touch and to texture. They may cringe at a pat on the back or the feel of certain fabric against their skin.

Emotional difficulties – Children with autism spectrum disorders may have difficulty regulating their emotions or expressing them appropriately. For instance, your child may start to yell, cry, or laugh hysterically for no apparent reason. When stressed, they may exhibit disruptive or even aggressive behavior (breaking things, hitting others, or harming themselves). kids with ASD may be unfazed by real dangers like moving vehicles or heights, yet be terrified of harmless objects such as a stuffed animal.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Behavior Problems

 Behavior Problems

Children act out for different reasons. The first step to dealing with tantrums, meltdowns and defiance is to understand what’s bothering him or she. What is 
the best way to handle behavior problems in children with autism ADHD. Do we really know what causes disruptive behavior, including anxiety, learning issues and trauma. how can we learn including myself to help my child learn to manage powerful emotions, do you know how to recognize behavior problems before the outburst 

Monday, May 3, 2021

I have learned a lot been a mother


I have learned a lot throughout the years. I’ve learned that some friends will disappear, some family will be your best support system, you will have good days, and you will have very difficult days. The most important thing I learned is that the love I have for my daughter and son is stronger than anything. Even when am mad 

 Love is beautiful to pieces.

Share your thoughts


One day…I hope to hear everyone thoughts. I hope to hear what you all going though. I hope to hear you’re fear and happiness. I hope and need to hear your pain and what You have been doing  to ease it. I hope to hear your thoughts about dealing with autism.A huge thank you to all who take time to read our Blog of Just to Fine our Blog you are welcome to share. 

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Brad cooking eggs


Happy Sunday  from our family to yours! We like to be loud and messy and have a lot of fun when we do things. 

PS. This is the most excited Brad has ever been about cooking  Egg. It’s funny how having a child with needs has taught me about priorities. I don’t care if he eats what we prepare for dinner. I just want him with our family. I want him smiling and laughing. I want him happy. It took him years to get here and watching him experience the world is such a gift. Also, the brad is very busy. 

Happy Sunday from our family to yours!

Steps to Help Your Neurodivergent Child Transition Back to School

  As the summer break comes to an end, many parents and caregivers are preparing their children for the upcoming school year. For neurodiver...