
Showing posts from 2024

Navigating Florida's Rainy Season with Autism

  🌟 Special Needs Parenting Tip Of The Day ❤️  Navigating Florida's Rainy Season with Autism: Tips and Strategies for a Calm and Enjoyable Experience Living in Florida with a child on the autism spectrum can be challenging, especially during the rainy season. From May to October, Florida's torrential downpours and unpredictable storms can disrupt routines and trigger anxiety. As a parent of an autistic son, I've learned valuable lessons on how to make this time of year more manageable and enjoyable for him. Preparation is Key Before the rain starts, prepare a "Rainy Day Kit" with essentials like: · Waterproof clothing and gear (jackets, pants, shoes, hats) · Comfort items (favorite toys, blankets, headphones) · Sensory-friendly activities (playdough, coloring books, puzzles) · Visual aids (rainy day schedules, social stories) Creating a Calming Environment At home: · Use soothing colors and lighting · Maintain a consistent routine · Offer indoor play alternatives

Why I Celebrate My Neurodiversity Son Today

  Today, I’m celebrating my son’s hard work and success in his recent testing with one of his favorite dishes—Jamaican Ackee and Saltfish. As a mother to a son with autism, I know how meaningful these moments of achievement are, and I love showing him how proud I am in ways that resonate with him. Food is a big part of our connection, and this special meal is my way of honoring his determination, focus, and the unique journey we share. Celebrating these wins reminds me to cherish the small victories that mean so much. 👉 be sure to check out my blog for more special needs parenting tips and resources 🙏❤️. 🔗 in my profile 👆 #autism #autismawareness #specialneeds #specialneedsparenting #tipoftheday


  As hard as it is to admit, in the shadows of my heart, I was bargaining with God. “Yes  , my son has some setback, but he will catch up. Life can still go back to normal.  Through those seemingly endless months of too much paperwork and too many appointments and too much grief and too many hurdles with a three year old and our daughter around 7 years old at the time. But there was a bible verse  that I’ve found very encouraging especially in difficult times.  Deuteronomy 31:8  And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; Do not fear or be dismayed. In  Life’s path for an autism parent and their child can seem uncertain, uncharted, undefined, and uncomfortable. Life for any person is uncertain but we have to have conversation with God. Psalms 34:18  The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.  Being a special needs parent will break you from time to time. It will reveal you

Stress-Free Haircuts for Your Neurodiversity Child

  Hey parents! As a mom of an neurodiversity child, I get how tough haircuts can be. We've gone from cutting his hair in his sleep, to meltdowns at the salon, to now happily sitting in the barber chair independently. "Getting a haircut can be a daunting experience for autistic children, with sensory sensitivities and anxiety often leading to meltdowns. But with the right approach, haircuts can be a breeze! In our ultimate guide, we'll share expert tips and tricks for creating a stress-free experience, from preparing your child in advance to finding an understanding stylist. Discover how to turn a potentially overwhelming task into a positive and empowering experience for your child. With patience, communication, and creativity, haircuts can become a confidence-boosting ritual for your autistic child - and a sigh of relief for you!"


Mornings with my neurodiversity son can be, well, interesting. One minute he's refusing to wake up, and resisting the start of the day with every fiber of his being. It's like he's allergic to mornings! But then, something magical happens. As we're getting ready for the bus, he transforms into a loving, affectionate child, telling me "I love you" at least 10 times, like nothing ever happened. It's as if the morning struggles never occurred, " It's a daily rollercoaster of emotions, but one that I cherish deeply. I've come to realize that my son's autism means his emotions and needs can shift rapidly. The morning struggles are just that – struggles – but the love he shows me before boarding the bus is genuine and pure. So, I'll take the chaos with the love, and respond to all 10 "I love you's" mom and have a good day at work with an open heart, knowing that our bond is unbreakable.

Today was a tough day.

 "Today was a tough day. It started with the school bus running late, setting me back from the get-go. Then, at work, I began to feel a nagging pain in my lower back, leaving me feeling drained. But when I got home, I realized I couldn't do anything else except take care of myself. Sometimes, days just don't go as planned, and that's okay. Today I learned that it's okay to take a step back, rest, and prioritize my own well-being. So, if today was a tough day for you too, remember that it's okay to take a moment for yourself and practice self-care." #autismacceptance #autismmom #selfcare✨

Advocating for my son the lessons I have learned from Autism

"Advocating for my child with autism has been a journey of growth, resilience, and determination. I've learned to navigate complex systems, speak up against stigma, and push for inclusion. But most importantly, I've learned to listen to my child's unique voice and amplify their needs. Through this journey, I've discovered that advocacy is not just about fighting for rights, but about empowering my child to thrive. I've learned to celebrate small victories, to grieve setbacks, and to persevere with hope. To all the parents, caregivers, and allies advocating for their loved ones with autism, I see you, I hear you, and I stand with you. Together, we can create a world that embraces and supports our children's differences, and unlocks their full potential." "When our child received an autism diagnosis, we were told to put their needs first. And so we did. We became warriors, advocates, and caretakers, dedicating ourselves to securing every available r

getting out the door for school is a daily battle

 "Mornings can be tough for any kid, but for my autism son, getting out the door for school is a daily battle. The transition from home to school can be overwhelming, and the simplest tasks become monumental challenges. I've tried everything to make mornings smoother, from visual schedules to gentle reminders, but some days it feels like we're fighting a losing battle. I'd love to hear from you - what were your school mornings like? Did you struggle to get out the door, or was it a breeze? And for my fellow autism parents, what strategies have worked for you? Let's share our experiences and support each other in making mornings a little easier for our kids." #autismacceptance #autismmom #autismdad #fanpage #exploremore #fypシ

Today marked a major milestone

"Today marked a major milestone for my neurodiversity son and me - his first ride on the school bus! I was a mix of emotions as I watched him climb those big steps and find his seat, but his excitement and confidence were contagious. As the bus pulled away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. This small step towards independence was a big deal for both of us, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to watch him grow and thrive. The unknown can be daunting, but with each new experience, I'm reminded that he's capable of so much more than I ever thought possible."

Today was a truly special day With my son

"Today was a truly special day as I spent quality time with my amazing autism son! We had a wonderful time together steaming our faces and enjoying each other's company. The simple act of steaming our faces turned into a fun and relaxing experience, filled with giggles and tender moments. As we sat together, feeling the warm mist on our skin, I was reminded of the beauty of connection and the joy that comes from sharing everyday moments with loved ones. It was a heartwarming experience that I will always treasure, and a great reminder to slow down and appreciate the little things in life."

Embracing the Middle School Journey: Reflections on the First Week

As I step into this new chapter of the middle school journey, I can’t help but feel a wave of emotions. Whether you’re a new teacher, a parent with a child entering middle school, or someone like me who is pressing the reset button for the year, the first week of middle school is an experience full of excitement, anxiety, and endless possibilities. The Anticipation and Excitement There’s something magical about the start of a new school year. The air is thick with anticipation, not just for Brad but for everyone involved. The first day is filled with nervous energy as I watch Brad navigate new hallways, meet his new teachers, and try to find his footing in this new environment. As a parent, I find myself sharing in this excitement. There’s a sense of renewal, a fresh start where anything is possible. The Challenges and Growth The first week of middle school is also a time of adjustment. It’s a transition period where students, especially those new to middle school, like my son we have

First day back to school

  Today marked a significant milestone -my neurodiversity son's first day back to school! I'm thrilled to report that he came home beaming with pride, telling me he had a great day, which was corroborated by his teachers. Despite the chaotic pick-up and drop-off lines, we survived the first day with all the necessary paperwork completed. Now, we're ready to tackle day number two with confidence and enthusiasm. Seeing my son navigate new challenges and thrive in his own unique way fills my heart with joy and gratitude. Here's to a successful and fulfilling school year ahead! The honest musings of my middle schooler! My son's singular concern: "Why does school take forever to get out?!" I couldn't help but chuckle at his candidness. I explained that middle school days typically run longer than his previous elementary school schedule, which was the root of his frustration. His response? A nod of understanding, followed by a relieved smile. It's moment

Make Back To School Shopping Easy

August is here which means that the first day of school is right around the corner. It’s going to be here before we know it! Whether your child attends preschool or regular school, it doesn’t matter: we all want to find great quality, stylish, and budget-friendly clothes when we shop.  go to school now. Brad goes to school in 3 days still trying to fine therapy so for right now I remain his full time therapy which is sometimes is very hard  but I need to remain strong.This year, I got his new school outfits at d ifferent store .  "Back to school shopping just got a whole lot easier! This year, I let my neurodiversity son take the reins and pick out his own outfit. Not only did it make the experience more enjoyable for him, but it also allowed him to express his own unique style and preferences. By giving him autonomy and agency, we avoided meltdowns and created a sense of pride and ownership. Try it out and see the difference it can make for your own child! #AutismAcceptance #Back

What I learned as a mom Blogger & influencer

  Couple years ago, I decided to finally step outside my comfort zone and take blogging seriously. Until then my blog was just a hobby. Which I began  to build my voice and platform around my son in the beginning that diagnosed with autism. I only had a handful of readerly my friends Acquaintance and growing an online community is nearly impossible. As I navigate the journey of motherhood, blogging, and influencing, I've discovered invaluable lessons that have shaped me into the person I am today. I've learned that authenticity is key, transparency builds trust, and vulnerability fosters connection. I've seen firsthand the power of community and the importance of supporting one another. I've also learned to embrace imperfection, prioritize self-care, and celebrate the little victories. Most importantly, I've discovered that my voice matters, my story is worth sharing, and my influence can inspire positive change. Through the ups and downs, I'm grateful for the o

Today is cleaning day

"Ah, the sweet sound of silence! Today is cleaning day, and I'm reveling in the rare opportunity to tackle my to-do list without interruptions. With my son splashing away at the water park with my husband and my daughter busy at work, I've got the house to myself. The vacuum is humming, the dust bunnies are disappearing, and the laundry is spinning - it's a productive day indeed! Sometimes, a little alone time is just what a mom needs to recharge and refocus. Bring on the cleaning products and the quiet - I'm making the most of this peaceful day!"

How Do You Know if It's Autism or Just Behavior?

Determining whether a child's actions are indicative of autism or simply typical behavior can be challenging. Autism is characterized by persistent difficulties in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors, often noticeable by early childhood. If a child exhibits these signs consistently across various settings and situations, it may suggest autism rather than occasional misbehavior. If your child consistently exhibits Consulting with a professional, such as a pediatrician or psychologist, can provide clarity and guidance. They will assess your child's development, behavior, and communication patterns to determine if their traits are within the typical range or if further evaluation for autism is needed. Early identification and support can significantly impact long-term outcomes, making it essential to seek professional insight if you have concerns. What your thoughts? How Can You Tell if It’s Autism or Just Behavior? What is Just Behavior? What Behaviors Sho

The Beautiful of Raising two Children

Raising two children is a whirlwind of joy, laughter, and occasional pandemonium that paints everyday life with vibrant hues. The beautiful chaos begins with the symphony of sibling squabbles and shared giggles, creating a dynamic dance of personalities and emotions. Mornings are a frenzy of missed shoes and breakfast negotiations, while bedtime brings a calm yet chaotic ritual of stories and cuddles. Amidst the whirlwind, there are precious moments of connection that make it all worth it—like when you catch a glimpse of them holding hands or hear them whispering secrets in the dark. In this beautifully chaotic journey, each day is an adventure, full of the unpredictable but endlessly rewarding process of watching two little lives unfold side by side.

Steps to Help Your Neurodivergent Child Transition Back to School

  As the summer break comes to an end, many parents and caregivers are preparing their children for the upcoming school year. For neurodivergent children, this transition can be especially challenging. Neurodivergent children may struggle with changes in routine, sensory overload, and social anxiety, making it essential to approach the transition with care and understanding. Here are three steps to help your neurodivergent child transition smoothly back to school: Step 1: Establish a Pre-Transition Routine Before the school year begins, establish a daily routine that mirrors the school schedule. This can help your child adjust to waking up early, completing homework, and following a structured daily plan. Encourage your child to participate in activities that promote organization, time management, and self-regulation skills. Step 2: Communicate with Teachers and School Staff Collaborate with your child's teachers and school staff to ensure they understand your child's unique ne

A Journey of Faith and Growth: My Autistic Son's Path to Baptism

As I watched my neurodiversity son prepare for baptism, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - pride, joy, and a hint of nostalgia. Seeing him ask questions and seek understanding about this important step in his faith journey was a testament to how far he's come. His curiosity was palpable as he asked about the meaning of baptism, what to expect during the ceremony, and how it would make him feel. I was happy to answer his questions and reassure him that this was a special moment to celebrate his growth and commitment to his beliefs. As we approached the day of the baptism, I couldn't help but reflect on our journey thus far. From the early days of diagnosis to the present, it's been a path filled with ups and downs, triumphs and challenges. But in this moment, all that mattered was witnessing my son's beaming smile and sense of accomplishment. Seeing him take this significant step in his faith journey was a poignant reminder of his capacity for love, compass

Our family weekend

"This weekend was a perfect blend of relaxation and reverence! On Saturday, we soaked up the sun's hot day on the beach, laughing and enjoyed the beach together as a family. And on Sunday, we shifted gears and headed to church, where we nourished our spirits and felt grateful for the love and connection that binds us together. It was a beautiful contrast that reminded us to appreciate the simple joys in life and the importance of faith and family. We feel truly blessed to have shared these special moments together!"

Teaching my neurodiverse son how to cut the grass

  "Teaching my neurodiverse son to cut the grass was a journey in patience, understanding, and celebration of small victories. We started with small steps, breaking down the task into manageable chunks, and using visual aids to help him understand the process. We practiced together, gradually increasing his independence, and praising his efforts along the way. With each successful pass of the mower, his confidence grew, and so did mine. It wasn't just about cutting the grass; it was about building life skills, fostering independence, and watching him beam with pride. Today, he's a pro, and I'm a proud dad, grateful for the opportunity to help him grow and thrive." Follow for more

Pain changed me

  Today blog post how pain changed me when i find out about my son's diagnosis: "The day my son's diagnosis came, my world shattered into a million pieces. The pain was suffocating, like a weight crushing my heart. But as I navigated the darkness, I realized that pain was not just a destroyer, but also a transformer. It forced me to confront my deepest fears, to question everything I thought I knew, and to discover a strength I never knew I had. Through the tears and the anguish, I found a new sense of purpose and resilience. I learned to advocate, to fight, and to love in ways I never thought possible. The pain changed me, but it also made me a better mother, a stronger person, and a more compassionate soul." Follow for me

Mommy Monday Motivation for the week

   "Happy Mommy Monday! As we start this new week, remember that you are the sunshine that brightens up your family's day. Your hard work, patience, and love are the foundation of your home. Don't let the chaos of motherhood dim your light - instead, embrace the messy moments and know that they are temporary. You are strong, capable, and making a difference in the lives of your little ones. Take a deep breath, pour yourself a cup of coffee (or two!), and tackle this week with confidence and grace. You got this, mama!"

5 tips for helping dads accept autism

Helping dads accept autism requires empathy, understanding, and support. First, listen to their concerns and validate their emotions. Second, provide resources and information to help them understand autism and its effects on their child. Third, encourage them to engage in activities with their child, fostering a strong bond and positive experiences. Fourth, offer counseling or support groups to help them process their feelings and connect with others who share similar experiences. Finally, celebrate their unique role and strengths as a father, empowering them to advocate and support their child in their own way. By following these tips, dads can move from acceptance to advocacy, becoming a powerful source of love and support for their child with autism." Follow for more

How to Get Your Kids to Organize Their Toys

Keeping your child’s play area tidy can be a challenge, but with a few strategies, you can encourage them to take ownership of their toys. Here are some tips i personally use : Rotate Toys: Limit the number of toys accessible at once. Store some away and periodically switch them out. This reduces clutter and keeps things fresh. Clear Labels and Bins: Use clear containers or bins for different types of toys (e.g., Legos, puzzles). Label each container with a picture or word to make it easy for kids to sort and find items. Make It Fun: Turn tidying up into a game. Set a timer and challenge your child to clean up before it goes off. Sing a cleanup song or create a “toy race” where they compete against the clock. Lead by Example: Show your child how to organize by demonstrating how you put things away. Be patient and encourage them as they learn. Remember, consistency is key. By making organization part of their routine, you’ll help your kids develop lifelong habits. 🧸📦

Telehealth for special needs mamas

Telehealth for Kids with Special Needs: What Mamas Need to Know "As a mama to a child with special needs, navigating the healthcare system can be overwhelming. That's where Telehealth comes in - a game-changer for kids with special needs! With Telehealth, your child can receive medical care and therapy sessions from the comfort of your own home, reducing stress and anxiety. No more long waits or transportation struggles! Plus, Telehealth platforms often offer specialized services like speech, occupational, and behavioral therapy, making it easier to manage your child's care. So, take a deep breath and explore Telehealth options - your child (and you!) will thank you!"

It’s Friday

"It's finally Friday! After a long week of juggling a full-time job, mom duties, and wife life, you deserve a moment to unwind. As you pour yourself a well-deserved glass of wine, feel the tension melt away. Take a deep breath, savor the taste, and let the stress of the week fade into the background. You've got this, and you've earned this little moment of relaxation. Cheers to a wonderful weekend ahead!"

Teaching My neurodiversity Son About People's Space: A Valuable Lesson

  Today blog post: Teaching My neurodiversity Son About People's Space: A Valuable Lesson As a parent of a child with autism, I've learned that social boundaries and personal space can be a challenging concept to grasp. My son, with his loving and affectionate nature, often greets others with a big hug – without always realizing that not everyone may be comfortable with physical touch. Recently, I realized it was essential to teach him about people's space and the importance of asking before hugging. Here's how I approached this valuable lesson: Starting the Conversation I began by explaining to my son that everyone has their own "bubble" or personal space, and it's essential to respect that. I used visual aids like a circle around each person to help him understand. Asking Permission Next, I taught him the simple phrase: "May I have a hug?" or "Can I give you a hug?" This way, he learns to ask permission before initiating physical cont

Today blog post me myself and I

"The sweet taste of freedom! After a long and grueling work week, I'm finally embracing the bliss of the weekend. No alarms, no deadlines, no stress - just pure relaxation and self-care. I'm looking forward to indulging in my favorite activities, like writing  watch a good movie, taking a rejuvenating nap, and savoring a cup of coffee in peace. The world can wait, because this weekend is all about me, myself, and I. Bring on the calm, the quiet, and the serenity - I'm ready to unwind and recharge for another busy week ahead!" Livebeyondautism 

Today blog post:Sunday Reset: A Family Affair

Sundays are a special day in our household, a time to recharge and refocus for the week ahead. But for my son, it's more than just a day of rest - it's a day of spiritual nourishment. When he comes back from church, his face lights up with excitement as he shares stories of the sermon, the hymns, and the sense of community. We listen intently, proud of the young man he's growing into. As we spend the afternoon together, I realize that his Sunday reset is contagious - it's a reminder to prioritize our own spiritual growth, to seek guidance, and to find peace in the midst of chaos. Today, we'll take a cue from our son and make Sunday a day of renewal, not just for him, but for our whole family."Livebeyondautism.

Brad 12th birthday

 Here is a short blog story for my son's 12th birthday:Happy Birthday son "Twelve Years of Sunshine Twelve years ago, on a day just like today, our lives changed forever. You arrived, and with your first cry, our hearts were filled with joy and love. We never knew how much happiness and light one little person could bring. Over the years, we've watched you grow into a kind, curious, and adventurous young man. Your smile can light up a room, and your laughter is contagious. You've brought so much joy to our lives, and we're grateful for every moment we've shared. As you celebrate your 12th birthday, remember that life is full of possibilities and wonders. Never stop exploring, learning, and dreaming big. You are loved beyond measure, and we're honored to be your family. Here's to many more years of love, laughter, and adventure together! Happy 12th birthday, dear son!" Ann Bradley Livebeyondautism #happybirthday

Brad 5th grade Graduation

  Here's a short blog post for my  son's 5th grade graduation: A Major Milestone: Celebrating Brad 5th Grade Graduation! Today marks a significant achievement in Brad educational journey - his 5th grade graduation! It's hard to believe how fast time has flown by. It seems like just yesterday we were sending him off to kindergarten, and now here we are, celebrating the completion of his elementary school years. Brad has grown into an intelligent, compassionate, and curious individual, and we couldn't be prouder of him. Throughout his time in elementary school, he has made some  friends, learned valuable lessons, and created unforgettable memories. As we look back on his elementary school years, we remember the excitement of his first day of school, the pride of watching him learn to read and write, and the joy of seeing him make new friends. We've had the privilege of watching him grow and evolve into the kind and thoughtful person he is today. As Brad moves on to ne

My uplifting story

 Here is a short story: "Hey, Mom?" my son asked, he is neurodivergent looking up at me with his big brown eyes. "Are you proud of me?" I smiled and knelt down beside him. "Of course, I'm proud of you!" I said, giving him a big hug. "Why do you ask?" He shrugged. "I don't know. I just want to make sure." I pulled back and looked at him, my heart full of love and admiration. "You know, buddy, being proud of someone isn't just about what they accomplish. It's about who they are as a person. And I am so proud of the kind, thoughtful, and creative person you are. Your autism is a part of that, and it's something that makes you unique and special." He smiled, looking relieved. "Really?" "Really," I said. "I'm proud of you every day, no matter what. And I love you more than words can say." He hugged me tight, and I knew that he felt seen and loved for exactly who he  Uplifting st

4 day weekend with Family

 "The Joy of a 4-Day Weekend with Family" As I sit here reflecting on our recent 4-day weekend, I'm filled with gratitude and happiness. Spending quality time with loved ones is essential, and this extended break provided the perfect opportunity to do just that. We started with a relaxing Friday evening dinner together, sharing stories and laughter around the table. Saturday was all about adventure, exploring Orlando as I bring my mom back home and enjoying the beautiful outdoors. Sunday was a day of relaxation, with a family movie marathon and cozy cuddles on the couch. And on Monday, we took a fun day trip to a nearby attraction, creating memories that will last a lifetime. This 4-day weekend reminded me that family time is precious, and even small moments can bring so much joy. Let's make the most of our time together and cherish every second! #FamilyTime #WeekendVibes #QualityTime

Relocating to Florida

  I would advise against relocating to Florida with neurodiverse children, as my own experience with obtaining services for my child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been challenging. If you do not plan on enrolling your child in an autism-specific charter school immediately, I recommend exploring other options.Florida may not be the best choice for families of neurodiverse children seeking adequate educational resources and support. Funding challenges and recent changes in education laws have resulted in a lower ranking for funding public schools, leading to limited accessibility to specialized programs and materials.Florida's public education system and disability services face funding difficulties due to the state's lower tax rates, which can negatively impact special education resources available to students. Additionally, recent changes in educational laws have led to a decline in the quality of education provided by banning certain books from schools.While there ar

This morning was very challenging for me

This morning was very challenging for me, with my son it can be difficult when you’re faith is tested especially when you have a busy schedule to manage and juggle several tasks and responsibilities. Which can be overwhelming at times. It was very difficult to wake him up, dressing and preparing breakfast before my own shower to ensure timely school drop-off and work commencement . It's very  important for me to remember that moments like these can be opportunities for growth and resilience. Trusting in my faith can help me navigate through uncertainties and embrace changes in my life, even when I'm unsure of the outcomes. Driving to work on the highway, I had to turned my car around because I was second guessing myself, if I had left either lights or the stove on. When I arrived home,  everything was okay no lights or stove left on, To ensure a smooth transition back to work after being stuck in traffic, I will put everything aside and focus on my job because there is no margi

How do you show love to an autistic child

  How do you show love to an autistic child? A: Showing love to your child with autism will depend on how your child best receives the love. Some children love to be hugged and cuddled. Other children may only accept words of affirmation as a sign of love. Spending quality time with your child with autism and performing acts of service for them can also show your love for them.

Carries the autism gene 🧬
