Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Steps to Help Your Neurodivergent Child Transition Back to School


As the summer break comes to an end, many parents and caregivers are preparing their children for the upcoming school year. For neurodivergent children, this transition can be especially challenging. Neurodivergent children may struggle with changes in routine, sensory overload, and social anxiety, making it essential to approach the transition with care and understanding. Here are three steps to help your neurodivergent child transition smoothly back to school:

Step 1: Establish a Pre-Transition Routine

Before the school year begins, establish a daily routine that mirrors the school schedule. This can help your child adjust to waking up early, completing homework, and following a structured daily plan. Encourage your child to participate in activities that promote organization, time management, and self-regulation skills.

Step 2: Communicate with Teachers and School Staff

Collaborate with your child's teachers and school staff to ensure they understand your child's unique needs and accommodations. Share your child's Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 plan, and discuss strategies for supporting your child's sensory, emotional, and academic needs. This open communication will help create a supportive learning environment.

Step 3: Prepare Your Child Emotionally

Talk to your child about their feelings and concerns regarding the upcoming school year. Validate their emotions and offer reassurance. Encourage your child to express their needs and wants, and role-play different social scenarios to build confidence. Consider creating a visual schedule or checklist to help your child feel more secure and in control.

By following these steps, you can help your neurodivergent child transition smoothly back to school, setting them up for success and a positive educational experience. Remember to be patient, flexible, and supportive throughout the process.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need any more information or have any other requests. Share and follow for more


Sunday, July 14, 2024

A Journey of Faith and Growth: My Autistic Son's Path to Baptism

As I watched my neurodiversity son prepare for baptism, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - pride, joy, and a hint of nostalgia. Seeing him ask questions and seek understanding about this important step in his faith journey was a testament to how far he's come.

His curiosity was palpable as he asked about the meaning of baptism, what to expect during the ceremony, and how it would make him feel. I was happy to answer his questions and reassure him that this was a special moment to celebrate his growth and commitment to his beliefs.

As we approached the day of the baptism, I couldn't help but reflect on our journey thus far. From the early days of diagnosis to the present, it's been a path filled with ups and downs, triumphs and challenges. But in this moment, all that mattered was witnessing my son's beaming smile and sense of accomplishment.

Seeing him take this significant step in his faith journey was a poignant reminder of his capacity for love, compassion, and connection. His autism may bring unique challenges, but it also brings a unique perspective and beauty to our lives.

As we celebrated this milestone, I felt grateful for the journey we've shared and the opportunities we've had to grow together. My son's baptism was a testament to his resilience, curiosity, and desire to connect with something greater than himself.

In the end, it wasn't just about the baptism; it was about the journey of self-discovery, growth, and love that we've shared along the way. I'm honored to be his parent and guide, and I look forward to seeing the amazing things he'll continue to achieve. Follow for more share our journey Www.Livebeyondautism.com

Our family weekend

"This weekend was a perfect blend of relaxation and reverence! On Saturday, we soaked up the sun's hot day on the beach, laughing and enjoyed the beach together as a family. And on Sunday, we shifted gears and headed to church, where we nourished our spirits and felt grateful for the love and connection that binds us together. It was a beautiful contrast that reminded us to appreciate the simple joys in life and the importance of faith and family. We feel truly blessed to have shared these special moments together!"

Friday, July 5, 2024

Teaching my neurodiverse son how to cut the grass


"Teaching my neurodiverse son to cut the grass was a journey in patience, understanding, and celebration of small victories. We started with small steps, breaking down the task into manageable chunks, and using visual aids to help him understand the process. We practiced together, gradually increasing his independence, and praising his efforts along the way. With each successful pass of the mower, his confidence grew, and so did mine. It wasn't just about cutting the grass; it was about building life skills, fostering independence, and watching him beam with pride. Today, he's a pro, and I'm a proud dad, grateful for the opportunity to help him grow and thrive." Follow for moreWww.livebeyondautism.com

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pain changed me


Today blog post how pain changed me when i find out about my son's diagnosis:

"The day my son's diagnosis came, my world shattered into a million pieces. The pain was suffocating, like a weight crushing my heart. But as I navigated the darkness, I realized that pain was not just a destroyer, but also a transformer. It forced me to confront my deepest fears, to question everything I thought I knew, and to discover a strength I never knew I had. Through the tears and the anguish, I found a new sense of purpose and resilience. I learned to advocate, to fight, and to love in ways I never thought possible. The pain changed me, but it also made me a better mother, a stronger person, and a more compassionate soul." Follow for me

Monday, July 1, 2024

Mommy Monday Motivation for the week


"Happy Mommy Monday! As we start this new week, remember that you are the sunshine that brightens up your family's day. Your hard work, patience, and love are the foundation of your home. Don't let the chaos of motherhood dim your light - instead, embrace the messy moments and know that they are temporary. You are strong, capable, and making a difference in the lives of your little ones. Take a deep breath, pour yourself a cup of coffee (or two!), and tackle this week with confidence and grace. You got this, mama!"

Friday, June 28, 2024

5 tips for helping dads accept autism

Helping dads accept autism requires empathy, understanding, and support. First, listen to their concerns and validate their emotions. Second, provide resources and information to help them understand autism and its effects on their child. Third, encourage them to engage in activities with their child, fostering a strong bond and positive experiences. Fourth, offer counseling or support groups to help them process their feelings and connect with others who share similar experiences. Finally, celebrate their unique role and strengths as a father, empowering them to advocate and support their child in their own way. By following these tips, dads can move from acceptance to advocacy, becoming a powerful source of love and support for their child with autism." Follow for more

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

How to Get Your Kids to Organize Their Toys

Keeping your child’s play area tidy can be a challenge, but with a few strategies, you can encourage them to take ownership of their toys. Here are some tips i personally use :

Rotate Toys: Limit the number of toys accessible at once. Store some away and periodically switch them out. This reduces clutter and keeps things fresh.

Clear Labels and Bins: Use clear containers or bins for different types of toys (e.g., Legos, puzzles). Label each container with a picture or word to make it easy for kids to sort and find items.

Make It Fun: Turn tidying up into a game. Set a timer and challenge your child to clean up before it goes off. Sing a cleanup song or create a “toy race” where they compete against the clock.

Lead by Example: Show your child how to organize by demonstrating how you put things away. Be patient and encourage them as they learn.

Remember, consistency is key. By making organization part of their routine, you’ll help your kids develop lifelong habits. 🧸📦

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Telehealth for special needs mamas

Telehealth for Kids with Special Needs: What Mamas Need to Know

"As a mama to a child with special needs, navigating the healthcare system can be overwhelming. That's where Telehealth comes in - a game-changer for kids with special needs! With Telehealth, your child can receive medical care and therapy sessions from the comfort of your own home, reducing stress and anxiety. No more long waits or transportation struggles! Plus, Telehealth platforms often offer specialized services like speech, occupational, and behavioral therapy, making it easier to manage your child's care. So, take a deep breath and explore Telehealth options - your child (and you!) will thank you!"

Friday, June 21, 2024

It’s Friday

"It's finally Friday! After a long week of juggling a full-time job, mom duties, and wife life, you deserve a moment to unwind. As you pour yourself a well-deserved glass of wine, feel the tension melt away. Take a deep breath, savor the taste, and let the stress of the week fade into the background. You've got this, and you've earned this little moment of relaxation. Cheers to a wonderful weekend ahead!"

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Teaching My neurodiversity Son About People's Space: A Valuable Lesson


Today blog post: Teaching My neurodiversity Son About People's Space: A Valuable Lesson

As a parent of a child with autism, I've learned that social boundaries and personal space can be a challenging concept to grasp. My son, with his loving and affectionate nature, often greets others with a big hug – without always realizing that not everyone may be comfortable with physical touch.

Recently, I realized it was essential to teach him about people's space and the importance of asking before hugging. Here's how I approached this valuable lesson:

Starting the Conversation

I began by explaining to my son that everyone has their own "bubble" or personal space, and it's essential to respect that. I used visual aids like a circle around each person to help him understand.

Asking Permission

Next, I taught him the simple phrase: "May I have a hug?" or "Can I give you a hug?" This way, he learns to ask permission before initiating physical contact.

Practicing Social Cues

We practiced reading social cues together, like noticing when someone takes a step back or crosses their arms, indicating they may not want a hug.


We role-played different scenarios, like greeting a friend or family member, to practice asking permission and respecting their response.

Reinforcing the Lesson

I reinforced this lesson by praising my son when he remembers to ask before hugging and gently reminding him when he forgets.


Teaching my neurodiversity son about people's space and asking before hugging has been a valuable lesson for both of us. By practicing empathy and understanding, we can create a more inclusive and respectful environment for everyone.

Remember, every individual has their own comfort level when it comes to physical touch. By teaching our children to respect people's space, we're helping them build stronger, more meaningful relationships. Follow for more.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Today blog post me myself and I

"The sweet taste of freedom! After a long and grueling work week, I'm finally embracing the bliss of the weekend. No alarms, no deadlines, no stress - just pure relaxation and self-care. I'm looking forward to indulging in my favorite activities, like writing  watch a good movie, taking a rejuvenating nap, and savoring a cup of coffee in peace. The world can wait, because this weekend is all about me, myself, and I. Bring on the calm, the quiet, and the serenity - I'm ready to unwind and recharge for another busy week ahead!" Livebeyondautism 

Today blog post:Sunday Reset: A Family Affair

Sundays are a special day in our household, a time to recharge and refocus for the week ahead. But for my son, it's more than just a day of rest - it's a day of spiritual nourishment. When he comes back from church, his face lights up with excitement as he shares stories of the sermon, the hymns, and the sense of community. We listen intently, proud of the young man he's growing into. As we spend the afternoon together, I realize that his Sunday reset is contagious - it's a reminder to prioritize our own spiritual growth, to seek guidance, and to find peace in the midst of chaos. Today, we'll take a cue from our son and make Sunday a day of renewal, not just for him, but for our whole family."Livebeyondautism.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Brad 12th birthday

 Here is a short blog story for my son's 12th birthday:Happy Birthday son

"Twelve Years of Sunshine

Twelve years ago, on a day just like today, our lives changed forever. You arrived, and with your first cry, our hearts were filled with joy and love. We never knew how much happiness and light one little person could bring.

Over the years, we've watched you grow into a kind, curious, and adventurous young man. Your smile can light up a room, and your laughter is contagious. You've brought so much joy to our lives, and we're grateful for every moment we've shared.

As you celebrate your 12th birthday, remember that life is full of possibilities and wonders. Never stop exploring, learning, and dreaming big. You are loved beyond measure, and we're honored to be your family.

Here's to many more years of love, laughter, and adventure together! Happy 12th birthday, dear son!" Ann Bradley Livebeyondautism #happybirthday

Monday, May 27, 2024

Brad 5th grade Graduation


Here's a short blog post for my  son's 5th grade graduation:

A Major Milestone: Celebrating Brad 5th Grade Graduation!

Today marks a significant achievement in Brad educational journey - his 5th grade graduation! It's hard to believe how fast time has flown by. It seems like just yesterday we were sending him off to kindergarten, and now here we are, celebrating the completion of his elementary school years.

Brad has grown into an intelligent, compassionate, and curious individual, and we couldn't be prouder of him. Throughout his time in elementary school, he has made some  friends, learned valuable lessons, and created unforgettable memories.

As we look back on his elementary school years, we remember the excitement of his first day of school, the pride of watching him learn to read and write, and the joy of seeing him make new friends. We've had the privilege of watching him grow and evolve into the kind and thoughtful person he is today.

As Brad moves on to new adventures in middle school, we know he'll continue to thrive and make us proud. We're excited to see the incredible things he'll achieve and the impact he'll make on the world.

Congratulations, Brad, on your 5th grade graduation! We love you more than words can express.

 Congratulations son on your graduation! Ann Bradley Livebeyondautism

My uplifting story

 Here is a short story:

"Hey, Mom?" my son asked, he is neurodivergent looking up at me with his big brown eyes. "Are you proud of me?"

I smiled and knelt down beside him. "Of course, I'm proud of you!" I said, giving him a big hug. "Why do you ask?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. I just want to make sure."

I pulled back and looked at him, my heart full of love and admiration. "You know, buddy, being proud of someone isn't just about what they accomplish. It's about who they are as a person. And I am so proud of the kind, thoughtful, and creative person you are. Your autism is a part of that, and it's something that makes you unique and special."

He smiled, looking relieved. "Really?"

"Really," I said. "I'm proud of you every day, no matter what. And I love you more than words can say."

He hugged me tight, and I knew that he felt seen and loved for exactly who he 

Uplifting story that captures the special bond between a parent and child, and the importance of acceptance and love.  Livebeyondautism Ann Bradley

4 day weekend with Family

 "The Joy of a 4-Day Weekend with Family"

As I sit here reflecting on our recent 4-day weekend, I'm filled with gratitude and happiness. Spending quality time with loved ones is essential, and this extended break provided the perfect opportunity to do just that.

We started with a relaxing Friday evening dinner together, sharing stories and laughter around the table. Saturday was all about adventure, exploring Orlando as I bring my mom back home and enjoying the beautiful outdoors. Sunday was a day of relaxation, with a family movie marathon and cozy cuddles on the couch. And on Monday, we took a fun day trip to a nearby attraction, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

This 4-day weekend reminded me that family time is precious, and even small moments can bring so much joy. Let's make the most of our time together and cherish every second! #FamilyTime #WeekendVibes #QualityTime

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Relocating to Florida


I would advise against relocating to Florida with neurodiverse children, as my own experience with obtaining services for my child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been challenging. If you do not plan on enrolling your child in an autism-specific charter school immediately, I recommend exploring other options.Florida may not be the best choice for families of neurodiverse children seeking adequate educational resources and support. Funding challenges and recent changes in education laws have resulted in a lower ranking for funding public schools, leading to limited accessibility to specialized programs and materials.Florida's public education system and disability services face funding difficulties due to the state's lower tax rates, which can negatively impact special education resources available to students. Additionally, recent changes in educational laws have led to a decline in the quality of education provided by banning certain books from schools.While there are some excellent cities for families like Winter Park, Lake Mary winter Garden,Windermere, Orlando etc that may offer accessibility because they’re close major  attractions such Disney World, it still comes down proximity when choosing where live especially considering how far away geographically speaking! keep in mind that moving to Florida means adjusting  to fewer taxes resulting in less funds available per student which translates into battles when trying secure proper assistance within their school system especially if your child has particular needs similar those found among individuals diagnosed under Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Unfortunately, even those areas aren't immune to problems caused elsewhere across our beloved Sunshine State...


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

This morning was very challenging for me

This morning was very challenging for me, with my son it can be difficult when you’re faith is tested especially when you have a busy schedule to manage and juggle several tasks and responsibilities. Which can be overwhelming at times. It was very difficult to wake him up, dressing and preparing breakfast before my own shower to ensure timely school drop-off and work commencement . It's very  important for me to remember that moments like these can be opportunities for growth and resilience. Trusting in my faith can help me navigate through uncertainties and embrace changes in my life, even when I'm unsure of the outcomes. Driving to work on the highway, I had to turned my car around because I was second guessing myself, if I had left either lights or the stove on. When I arrived home,  everything was okay no lights or stove left on, To ensure a smooth transition back to work after being stuck in traffic, I will put everything aside and focus on my job because there is no margin for error in the nature of healthcare role. Upon reaching the office, I must immediately get settled and prepare for my duties as a healthcare professional, there can be no distractions or mistakes since lives are at stake. Once I arrive at work, it is crucial that I give my undivided attention to providing excellent care to our patients while putting all personal matters aside. Challenging situations test our faith and require us to persist through difficulties. By doing so, we showcase our ability to overcome any hurdles that come our way. By relying on my beliefs, I am able to navigate challenging situations and embrace change with an open mind, regardless of the outcome.


Wednesday, January 31, 2024

How do you show love to an autistic child


How do you show love to an autistic child?

A: Showing love to your child with autism will depend on how your child best receives the love. Some children love to be hugged and cuddled. Other children may only accept words of affirmation as a sign of love. Spending quality time with your child with autism and performing acts of service for them can also show your love for them.

Steps to Help Your Neurodivergent Child Transition Back to School

  As the summer break comes to an end, many parents and caregivers are preparing their children for the upcoming school year. For neurodiver...