
Showing posts from June, 2024

5 tips for helping dads accept autism

Helping dads accept autism requires empathy, understanding, and support. First, listen to their concerns and validate their emotions. Second, provide resources and information to help them understand autism and its effects on their child. Third, encourage them to engage in activities with their child, fostering a strong bond and positive experiences. Fourth, offer counseling or support groups to help them process their feelings and connect with others who share similar experiences. Finally, celebrate their unique role and strengths as a father, empowering them to advocate and support their child in their own way. By following these tips, dads can move from acceptance to advocacy, becoming a powerful source of love and support for their child with autism." Follow for more

How to Get Your Kids to Organize Their Toys

Keeping your child’s play area tidy can be a challenge, but with a few strategies, you can encourage them to take ownership of their toys. Here are some tips i personally use : Rotate Toys: Limit the number of toys accessible at once. Store some away and periodically switch them out. This reduces clutter and keeps things fresh. Clear Labels and Bins: Use clear containers or bins for different types of toys (e.g., Legos, puzzles). Label each container with a picture or word to make it easy for kids to sort and find items. Make It Fun: Turn tidying up into a game. Set a timer and challenge your child to clean up before it goes off. Sing a cleanup song or create a “toy race” where they compete against the clock. Lead by Example: Show your child how to organize by demonstrating how you put things away. Be patient and encourage them as they learn. Remember, consistency is key. By making organization part of their routine, you’ll help your kids develop lifelong habits. 🧸📦

Telehealth for special needs mamas

Telehealth for Kids with Special Needs: What Mamas Need to Know "As a mama to a child with special needs, navigating the healthcare system can be overwhelming. That's where Telehealth comes in - a game-changer for kids with special needs! With Telehealth, your child can receive medical care and therapy sessions from the comfort of your own home, reducing stress and anxiety. No more long waits or transportation struggles! Plus, Telehealth platforms often offer specialized services like speech, occupational, and behavioral therapy, making it easier to manage your child's care. So, take a deep breath and explore Telehealth options - your child (and you!) will thank you!"

It’s Friday

"It's finally Friday! After a long week of juggling a full-time job, mom duties, and wife life, you deserve a moment to unwind. As you pour yourself a well-deserved glass of wine, feel the tension melt away. Take a deep breath, savor the taste, and let the stress of the week fade into the background. You've got this, and you've earned this little moment of relaxation. Cheers to a wonderful weekend ahead!"

Teaching My neurodiversity Son About People's Space: A Valuable Lesson

  Today blog post: Teaching My neurodiversity Son About People's Space: A Valuable Lesson As a parent of a child with autism, I've learned that social boundaries and personal space can be a challenging concept to grasp. My son, with his loving and affectionate nature, often greets others with a big hug – without always realizing that not everyone may be comfortable with physical touch. Recently, I realized it was essential to teach him about people's space and the importance of asking before hugging. Here's how I approached this valuable lesson: Starting the Conversation I began by explaining to my son that everyone has their own "bubble" or personal space, and it's essential to respect that. I used visual aids like a circle around each person to help him understand. Asking Permission Next, I taught him the simple phrase: "May I have a hug?" or "Can I give you a hug?" This way, he learns to ask permission before initiating physical cont

Today blog post me myself and I

"The sweet taste of freedom! After a long and grueling work week, I'm finally embracing the bliss of the weekend. No alarms, no deadlines, no stress - just pure relaxation and self-care. I'm looking forward to indulging in my favorite activities, like writing  watch a good movie, taking a rejuvenating nap, and savoring a cup of coffee in peace. The world can wait, because this weekend is all about me, myself, and I. Bring on the calm, the quiet, and the serenity - I'm ready to unwind and recharge for another busy week ahead!" Livebeyondautism 

Today blog post:Sunday Reset: A Family Affair

Sundays are a special day in our household, a time to recharge and refocus for the week ahead. But for my son, it's more than just a day of rest - it's a day of spiritual nourishment. When he comes back from church, his face lights up with excitement as he shares stories of the sermon, the hymns, and the sense of community. We listen intently, proud of the young man he's growing into. As we spend the afternoon together, I realize that his Sunday reset is contagious - it's a reminder to prioritize our own spiritual growth, to seek guidance, and to find peace in the midst of chaos. Today, we'll take a cue from our son and make Sunday a day of renewal, not just for him, but for our whole family."Livebeyondautism.