What I learned as a mom Blogger & influencer

Couple years ago, I decided to finally step outside my comfort zone and take blogging seriously. Until then my blog was just a hobby. Which I began to build my voice and platform around my son in the beginning that diagnosed with autism. I only had a handful of readerly my friends Acquaintance and growing an online community is nearly impossible. As I navigate the journey of motherhood, blogging, and influencing, I've discovered invaluable lessons that have shaped me into the person I am today. I've learned that authenticity is key, transparency builds trust, and vulnerability fosters connection. I've seen firsthand the power of community and the importance of supporting one another. I've also learned to embrace imperfection, prioritize self-care, and celebrate the little victories. Most importantly, I've discovered that my voice matters, my story is worth sharing, and my influence can inspire positive change. Through the ups and downs, I'm grateful for the o...