Beyond brad Measure
Like so many special needs parents, I’ve spent hours filling out paperwork and rating scales about brad. what it feels like to anxiously wait in doctor offices, therapy lobbies, and school conference rooms…to go over the results of various assessments for my son. I’ve left meetings, only to replay the conversations in my head, trying to stay positive and put the negative behind me. my son, Brad, is a strong kid . My son’s diagnosis alone is defined by a number, Level of Autism spectrum Very verbal Anxiety ADHD After every doctors appointment for my son, I immediately ask myself why it hurts so deeply to hear the numbers things that’s wrong instead of getting them fix. It’s not my first time hearing it, I’ve heard it all before. I know by now what to expect in these meetings, and I try to mentally prepare myself for days leading up. It is soul crushing and takes my breath away each and every time. My h...