
having kids with autism

  Having a child with  Autism  can impact on various aspects of family lives are affected including housekeeping, finances, emotional and mental health for parents, marital relationships, physical health of family members, limiting the response to the needs for your kids within the family,  sometime poor sibling relationships, relationships with extended  family, friends and neighbors.  Children with autism face a variety of challenge that can significantly negatively impact on parent and family functioning Also, it can create significant stress throughout all family members. social and communication deficits effect on total family members.  Emotionally and financially the families of autistic children become exhausted. ASD can evidently have a potential impact on the child and the functioning of whole family.  Children with autism are identified as problems on mothers’ anxiety and depression. The relationship between stress and behavior problems ...

Autism and Friendship With other Children

    Autism and friendships why it’s important  Making and keeping friends can be difficult for a child on the autism spectrum, but autism and friendship don’t have to be an impossible pairing. Meaning friendship of all kinds are important for children with autism, as are learning tools that can help these relationships grow and develop. The benefits of socialization include helping children relate to their peers and self-confidence. Making friends is also a way to practice social skills and put them to use. why friendships are key for children on the autism spectrum, here are some tips that other parents and caregivers can use to help. For children with autism, establishing friendship skills is a therapeutic lesson as much as a life lesson.  all children want to feel accepted by their peers. By making friendship- what can make it so hard for children on the spectrum to make friends in the first place. They might not know how to start or continue conversations, and th...

Autism in Girls and How It’s Different From Boys

So I just finish another class on reading the different between boys and girls with autism  Signs of Autism Were Made for Boys The signs of autism that we are told to watch for at early ages were primarily made for boys. That’s not to say that autism  girls can’t or don’t act similarly to autism boys, but that sometimes they show their autism in different ways. there is  social struggles for autism children, but that particular side to autism may be more severe in boys than girls. See, girls typically are much more social than boys, so a boy may be seen easily as autistic while a girl is labeled “shy” because her social struggles are less severe. Autism  girls tend to have obsessions just like boys, but they’re seen as more socially appropriate, so they can be difficult to diagnose. Their behavior isn’t any less autistic than boys, it’s simply not the stereotypical autistic traits because those traits were written for boys. With Severe Autism, Girls Tend to Struggle ...

Autism mom

  As I go through my journey as and autism mom I here a lot of things over the years about autism. Some hopeful. But there were also a lot of things me and my husband  weren't told. Things that no one would be able to predict. Like... our son be able to read? Are stop taking medication ?  My advice would be this is not easy it’s hard to relax knowing that you need the best for your child. Brad  needs time. I need time more  patience. We are the one teaching him  at home . And he needs someone to help him since there’s no help. I have no idea what the future holds. But i do know that brad  need help in many area reading, and writing. .  #Livebeyondautism 

What is autism tics

  The most common tics that you see in kids with autism include  facial movements, throat clearing, and eye blinking . However, these tics are often contrasted with other movements related to autism, such as stimming or behaviors. What Are the Different Types of Tic Disorders? Tourette Syndrome Affecting approximately 1 percent of the population, Tourette syndrome causes both verbal and motor tics. These tics must be present for at least one year and can occur frequently throughout a day, or more sporadically. These tics develop before the age of 18, resulting in two or more motor tics (i.e. blinking, shrugging, etc.), as well as at least one vocal tic  Chronic motor tic disorder Affecting as many as 1 in 50 people, this disorder is defined by verbal or motor tics that occur for at least one year. This means that an individual will display one or more motor or vocal tics,  Transient motor tic disorder Verbal or motor tics come and go, lasting for less than one year. ...

What is your Successful Stories!

  Hello families on the spectrum. We are all in this journey together, and you probably agree with me, that it is about the journey, not the destination! So, let us try to learn how to enjoy the rid .   My name is Stacey ann  and I am a proud mama  wonderful young boy with autism. His name is Brad. I am also happened to be in the health care. Me in the health care has taught  me a lot. So what should you do  What should you do if you suspect autism? For a children, the first sign that you notice something wrong, you should first speak with your child’s pediatrician about your concerns. The pediatrician will recommend a qualified professional who specializes in diagnosing autism. Developmental Pediatrician Pediatric Neurologist Child Psychologist Child Psychiatrist

What Are the Symptoms of Autism?

Symptoms of autism are: social communication challenges   and restricted, repetitive behaviors. Symptoms of autism may: begin in early childhood  (though they may go unrecognized) persist   and interfere with daily living. in the two categories above. They also a part of the  autism symptom   severity . Autism’s.   how much support a person needs for daily function. Social communication challenges Children and adults with autism have  difficulty with verbal and non-verbal communication . For example, they may not understand or appropriately use: Spoken language (around a third of people with autism are nonverbal) Gestures Eye contact Facial expressions Tone of voice Expressions not meant to be taken literally Additional social challenges can include difficulty with: Recognizing emotions and intentions in others Recognizing one’s own emotions Expressing emotions Seeking emotional comfort from others Feeling overwhelmed in social situations Ta...

Learn the signs of autism

  One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to learn the early signs of autism and become familiar with the typical developmental milestones that your child should be reaching. What are the signs of autism? The autism diagnosis age and intensity of autism’s early signs vary widely. Some infants show hints in their first months. In others, behaviors become obvious as late as age 2 or 3. Not all children with autism show all the signs. Many children who  don’t  have autism show a few. The following may indicate your child is at risk for an autism spectrum disorder. If your child exhibits any of the following, ask your pediatrician or family doctor for an evaluation right away: By 6 months Few or no big smiles or other warm, joyful and engaging expressions Limited or no eye contact By 9 months Little or no back-and-forth sharing of sounds, smiles or other facial expressions By 12 months Little or no babbling Little or no back-and-forth gestures such as point...