Teaching My neurodiversity Son About People's Space: A Valuable Lesson


Today blog post: Teaching My neurodiversity Son About People's Space: A Valuable Lesson

As a parent of a child with autism, I've learned that social boundaries and personal space can be a challenging concept to grasp. My son, with his loving and affectionate nature, often greets others with a big hug – without always realizing that not everyone may be comfortable with physical touch.

Recently, I realized it was essential to teach him about people's space and the importance of asking before hugging. Here's how I approached this valuable lesson:

Starting the Conversation

I began by explaining to my son that everyone has their own "bubble" or personal space, and it's essential to respect that. I used visual aids like a circle around each person to help him understand.

Asking Permission

Next, I taught him the simple phrase: "May I have a hug?" or "Can I give you a hug?" This way, he learns to ask permission before initiating physical contact.

Practicing Social Cues

We practiced reading social cues together, like noticing when someone takes a step back or crosses their arms, indicating they may not want a hug.


We role-played different scenarios, like greeting a friend or family member, to practice asking permission and respecting their response.

Reinforcing the Lesson

I reinforced this lesson by praising my son when he remembers to ask before hugging and gently reminding him when he forgets.


Teaching my neurodiversity son about people's space and asking before hugging has been a valuable lesson for both of us. By practicing empathy and understanding, we can create a more inclusive and respectful environment for everyone.

Remember, every individual has their own comfort level when it comes to physical touch. By teaching our children to respect people's space, we're helping them build stronger, more meaningful relationships. Follow for more.


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