Brad 12th birthday

 Here is a short blog story for my son's 12th birthday:Happy Birthday son

"Twelve Years of Sunshine

Twelve years ago, on a day just like today, our lives changed forever. You arrived, and with your first cry, our hearts were filled with joy and love. We never knew how much happiness and light one little person could bring.

Over the years, we've watched you grow into a kind, curious, and adventurous young man. Your smile can light up a room, and your laughter is contagious. You've brought so much joy to our lives, and we're grateful for every moment we've shared.

As you celebrate your 12th birthday, remember that life is full of possibilities and wonders. Never stop exploring, learning, and dreaming big. You are loved beyond measure, and we're honored to be your family.

Here's to many more years of love, laughter, and adventure together! Happy 12th birthday, dear son!" Ann Bradley Livebeyondautism #happybirthday


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