Autism and Natural Disaster

Planning is an important part of any family affected by autism's daily routine, but is even more important when it comes to being prepared before, during and after any type of natural disaster. The following tips to assist families with creating emergency preparedness and response plans Hurricanes and other natural disasters can be difficult for people with autism. Disney has put a lot of video and guide for families following a natural disaster Basic Preparedness Tips: Know where to go. If you are ordered to evacuate, know the local hurricane evacuation route(s) to take and have a plan for where you can stay. Contact your local emergency management agency for more information. Put together a disaster supply kit, including a flashlight, batteries, cash, first aid supplies, and copies of your critical information if you need to evacuate. If you are not in an area that is advised to evacuate and you decide to stay in your home, plan for adequate supplies in case you lose power...