Showing posts with label Autism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autism. Show all posts

Sunday, July 14, 2024

A Journey of Faith and Growth: My Autistic Son's Path to Baptism

As I watched my neurodiversity son prepare for baptism, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - pride, joy, and a hint of nostalgia. Seeing him ask questions and seek understanding about this important step in his faith journey was a testament to how far he's come.

His curiosity was palpable as he asked about the meaning of baptism, what to expect during the ceremony, and how it would make him feel. I was happy to answer his questions and reassure him that this was a special moment to celebrate his growth and commitment to his beliefs.

As we approached the day of the baptism, I couldn't help but reflect on our journey thus far. From the early days of diagnosis to the present, it's been a path filled with ups and downs, triumphs and challenges. But in this moment, all that mattered was witnessing my son's beaming smile and sense of accomplishment.

Seeing him take this significant step in his faith journey was a poignant reminder of his capacity for love, compassion, and connection. His autism may bring unique challenges, but it also brings a unique perspective and beauty to our lives.

As we celebrated this milestone, I felt grateful for the journey we've shared and the opportunities we've had to grow together. My son's baptism was a testament to his resilience, curiosity, and desire to connect with something greater than himself.

In the end, it wasn't just about the baptism; it was about the journey of self-discovery, growth, and love that we've shared along the way. I'm honored to be his parent and guide, and I look forward to seeing the amazing things he'll continue to achieve. Follow for more share our journey

Our family weekend

"This weekend was a perfect blend of relaxation and reverence! On Saturday, we soaked up the sun's hot day on the beach, laughing and enjoyed the beach together as a family. And on Sunday, we shifted gears and headed to church, where we nourished our spirits and felt grateful for the love and connection that binds us together. It was a beautiful contrast that reminded us to appreciate the simple joys in life and the importance of faith and family. We feel truly blessed to have shared these special moments together!"

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pain changed me


Today blog post how pain changed me when i find out about my son's diagnosis:

"The day my son's diagnosis came, my world shattered into a million pieces. The pain was suffocating, like a weight crushing my heart. But as I navigated the darkness, I realized that pain was not just a destroyer, but also a transformer. It forced me to confront my deepest fears, to question everything I thought I knew, and to discover a strength I never knew I had. Through the tears and the anguish, I found a new sense of purpose and resilience. I learned to advocate, to fight, and to love in ways I never thought possible. The pain changed me, but it also made me a better mother, a stronger person, and a more compassionate soul." Follow for me

Monday, July 1, 2024

Mommy Monday Motivation for the week


"Happy Mommy Monday! As we start this new week, remember that you are the sunshine that brightens up your family's day. Your hard work, patience, and love are the foundation of your home. Don't let the chaos of motherhood dim your light - instead, embrace the messy moments and know that they are temporary. You are strong, capable, and making a difference in the lives of your little ones. Take a deep breath, pour yourself a cup of coffee (or two!), and tackle this week with confidence and grace. You got this, mama!"

Friday, June 28, 2024

5 tips for helping dads accept autism

Helping dads accept autism requires empathy, understanding, and support. First, listen to their concerns and validate their emotions. Second, provide resources and information to help them understand autism and its effects on their child. Third, encourage them to engage in activities with their child, fostering a strong bond and positive experiences. Fourth, offer counseling or support groups to help them process their feelings and connect with others who share similar experiences. Finally, celebrate their unique role and strengths as a father, empowering them to advocate and support their child in their own way. By following these tips, dads can move from acceptance to advocacy, becoming a powerful source of love and support for their child with autism." Follow for more

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

How to Get Your Kids to Organize Their Toys

Keeping your child’s play area tidy can be a challenge, but with a few strategies, you can encourage them to take ownership of their toys. Here are some tips i personally use :

Rotate Toys: Limit the number of toys accessible at once. Store some away and periodically switch them out. This reduces clutter and keeps things fresh.

Clear Labels and Bins: Use clear containers or bins for different types of toys (e.g., Legos, puzzles). Label each container with a picture or word to make it easy for kids to sort and find items.

Make It Fun: Turn tidying up into a game. Set a timer and challenge your child to clean up before it goes off. Sing a cleanup song or create a “toy race” where they compete against the clock.

Lead by Example: Show your child how to organize by demonstrating how you put things away. Be patient and encourage them as they learn.

Remember, consistency is key. By making organization part of their routine, you’ll help your kids develop lifelong habits. 🧸📦

Steps to Help Your Neurodivergent Child Transition Back to School

  As the summer break comes to an end, many parents and caregivers are preparing their children for the upcoming school year. For neurodiver...