
Showing posts with the label Autism

How Do You Know if It's Autism or Just Behavior?

Determining whether a child's actions are indicative of autism or simply typical behavior can be challenging. Autism is characterized by persistent difficulties in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors, often noticeable by early childhood. If a child exhibits these signs consistently across various settings and situations, it may suggest autism rather than occasional misbehavior. If your child consistently exhibits Consulting with a professional, such as a pediatrician or psychologist, can provide clarity and guidance. They will assess your child's development, behavior, and communication patterns to determine if their traits are within the typical range or if further evaluation for autism is needed. Early identification and support can significantly impact long-term outcomes, making it essential to seek professional insight if you have concerns. What your thoughts? How Can You Tell if It’s Autism or Just Behavior? What is Just Behavior? What Behaviors Sho

The Beautiful of Raising two Children

Raising two children is a whirlwind of joy, laughter, and occasional pandemonium that paints everyday life with vibrant hues. The beautiful chaos begins with the symphony of sibling squabbles and shared giggles, creating a dynamic dance of personalities and emotions. Mornings are a frenzy of missed shoes and breakfast negotiations, while bedtime brings a calm yet chaotic ritual of stories and cuddles. Amidst the whirlwind, there are precious moments of connection that make it all worth it—like when you catch a glimpse of them holding hands or hear them whispering secrets in the dark. In this beautifully chaotic journey, each day is an adventure, full of the unpredictable but endlessly rewarding process of watching two little lives unfold side by side.

A Journey of Faith and Growth: My Autistic Son's Path to Baptism

As I watched my neurodiversity son prepare for baptism, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - pride, joy, and a hint of nostalgia. Seeing him ask questions and seek understanding about this important step in his faith journey was a testament to how far he's come. His curiosity was palpable as he asked about the meaning of baptism, what to expect during the ceremony, and how it would make him feel. I was happy to answer his questions and reassure him that this was a special moment to celebrate his growth and commitment to his beliefs. As we approached the day of the baptism, I couldn't help but reflect on our journey thus far. From the early days of diagnosis to the present, it's been a path filled with ups and downs, triumphs and challenges. But in this moment, all that mattered was witnessing my son's beaming smile and sense of accomplishment. Seeing him take this significant step in his faith journey was a poignant reminder of his capacity for love, compass

Our family weekend

"This weekend was a perfect blend of relaxation and reverence! On Saturday, we soaked up the sun's hot day on the beach, laughing and enjoyed the beach together as a family. And on Sunday, we shifted gears and headed to church, where we nourished our spirits and felt grateful for the love and connection that binds us together. It was a beautiful contrast that reminded us to appreciate the simple joys in life and the importance of faith and family. We feel truly blessed to have shared these special moments together!"

Pain changed me

  Today blog post how pain changed me when i find out about my son's diagnosis: "The day my son's diagnosis came, my world shattered into a million pieces. The pain was suffocating, like a weight crushing my heart. But as I navigated the darkness, I realized that pain was not just a destroyer, but also a transformer. It forced me to confront my deepest fears, to question everything I thought I knew, and to discover a strength I never knew I had. Through the tears and the anguish, I found a new sense of purpose and resilience. I learned to advocate, to fight, and to love in ways I never thought possible. The pain changed me, but it also made me a better mother, a stronger person, and a more compassionate soul." Follow for me

Mommy Monday Motivation for the week

   "Happy Mommy Monday! As we start this new week, remember that you are the sunshine that brightens up your family's day. Your hard work, patience, and love are the foundation of your home. Don't let the chaos of motherhood dim your light - instead, embrace the messy moments and know that they are temporary. You are strong, capable, and making a difference in the lives of your little ones. Take a deep breath, pour yourself a cup of coffee (or two!), and tackle this week with confidence and grace. You got this, mama!"