Let me tell you am that one mother who doesn’t stop at nothing less when it come to my kid’s especially when it come to education. I have my annual IEP meeting today and it’s was very successful. Having a great teacher on your team is everything. It’s on point When you're looking for help for a student who struggles with a learning disability or mental health condition, you know it's important to have a plan in place to ensure your child's special needs are being met at school. That's where the Individual Education Program (IEP) meeting comes in handy

Review IDEA

Get familiar with the IEP meeting and process before you show up for a meeting. Every school provides a copy of your rights, so make sure you request and review a copy of the manual that was provided 

Compile Your List of Questions

It's easy to forget the questions you want to ask about your child's progress at school. Simplify what you need to remember by writing down all the questions you want to ask prior to attending the meeting.

Invite People and Professionals

You don't have to face a group of IEP review members, teachers or school counselors alone. If you have your own "support team," consider inviting them to the meeting.

This was one of the best thing I have ever done is reaching out for help and let me tell you professional help is the best 

At the end of the meeting they will review the evaluations with you 

Review and Complete Evaluations and Forms

Review and sign evaluations and forms that the IEP review team has prepared. These forms typically let the team know all of the meeting's participants, and give you insight into what will be covered, such as goals for the next school year 

At last help the teachers 👩‍🏫 so they can help you. So with that said 

Create a Student Profile

As a parent, you're an expert when it comes to your child. Help your IEP team in advance with a profile to help them gain more knowledge about your child outside of school. You can include your child's strengths, learning challenges or any special accommodations they may need as part of this profile.


IEP meetings can be informative, but you will benefit even more by being prepared in advance.

For the passed 4 years all I have learned with IEP I hope what I learned could help another parent so it’s was a success for me  #schoolcounselor #schoolteacher #students #therapy #disabilityrights #livebeyondautism


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